Download Patched Pokemon Metallic Rom
Version: Release 2
Updated: May 31, 2018

Name: Pokemon Metallic
Type: GBC
Hack of: Gold
Language: English
Creator: baylorknight
This hack was meant to recreate the Pokemon Gold experience without changing it drastically. The point was to "correct" some aspects of the game and make the game a bit more exciting with some new features. Most editing went into the evolutions, stats and move changes, but a lot of work went into the map revamping and the wild Pokemon encounters/ Trainer changes as well.
- Revamped maps
- New evolutions (e.g. Remoraid to either Lapras, Mantine, or Octillery).
- New starters- Goldeen, Voltorb, Sandshrew
- All HM's aren't necessary
- Trade evolutions through stones
- Wild Pokemon/trainers have been edited
- Moves have been edited
- Over 100 Pokemon have had their movesets, types, stats, or evolutions edited
- "Twin" Pokemon, which share the same base stats (e.g. Ninetales and Arcanine)
- Increased difficulty

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