Name:Pokemon Complex Crystal
Ver.: Beta 1.33
Autor: Blue
Rom Base: Crystal
Autor: Blue
Rom Base: Crystal
Status: Complete
Description: Está hack mantém a mesma história de Crystal, e permite capturar todos os Pokémon até a segunda gen,mudar Pokémon de treinadores, gyn leaders,etc. Parecido com Emerald 386 , Blaze Black,Sacred Gold, etc.
-Todos os 251 Pokémon capturáveis
-Dificuldade aumentada
-Times de Elite 4 e líderes de ginásio mudados, assim como times de treinadores
-Status de vários Pokémon aumentados
-Alguns golpes com poder e pp aumentados
-Evoluções por troca agora evoluem por lv ou item
-Trades in-game mudados
-Wild Pokemon - All of the 251 Pokemon
-Difficulty - The whole game difficulty has been increased.
-Gyms & Elite Four - All of the Gym Leaders and Elite Four Members have had a complete team overhaul.
-Trainers - All trainers around Kanto & Johto have been edited to fit their area in the game.
-Pokemon Stats - 40+ Pokemon have had an increase in their total stats
-Moves - Some moves have had an increase in power and/or PP i.
-Evolution - I have edited all the evolution lines that previously required trade
-Trades - Some of the in-game trades have been altered so that you now receive Pokémon that are harder to catch.