Download Patched Pokemon Lunar Version Rom
Version: Pre-Alpha
Updated: July 19, 2017

Name: Pokemon Lunar
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed
Language: English
Creator: Kostas
Mother and you, along with Professor Alan, were visiting archaic ruins in the Kantos region. Everything was as it always was on these archaeologist escapades. That is, until catastrophe occurred and Mother went missing. Professor Alan decided to take you to safety and you two ended up in the Tagral region. Under Professor Alan, it seemed hopeless that Mother would ever return. Even worse, since your arrival, peculiar things have been occurring in the region. After two years of waiting, you are ready to begin your adventures as a Pokémon trainer and discover what actually happened to Mother.
- New region: Tagral
- Physical/Special split
- Fairy type
- Exp points on catching
- B/W repel system
- Hidden grottoes
- New regional Pokédex
- Mega evolution

Kostas, ROM Hacking mods, Diegoisawesome, Kimonas, JPAN, MrDollSteak, Achromatic, Magiscarf, Kyledove, The red-ex, Jesse, Gav, Zeo
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