Download Patched Pokemon Fireburn Rom
Version: Beta 1.1
Updated: July 20, 2017

Name: Pokemon Fireburn
Type: GBA
Hack of: FireRed
Language: English
Creator: Sakib66
Progress: Beta 1 is 7 gyms long
Changed Kanto region's classic storyline and also added new regions! Now it's time to defeat every Gym Leaders, clear the Trials, catch every pokemon, reveal every secrets and of course be the Champion!!
- 4 regions: Kanto, Hoenn, Sinnoh and Alola
- All Pokemon from Gen 1 to 7
- Mega evolution
- Updated graphics
- Fairy types
- New moves and abilities
- New items
- Reuseable TMs
- Running Indoors
- BW repel system
- Poison survival
- Hidden grottoes
- Side quest
- Physical/Special/Status Split
- IV on screen

Sakib66, Bluemoon745, Xdizone114, Jacob, MrDollsteak, Chaos Rush, Link491, Touched, Doesntknowhowtoplay
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